Moderation | 10. November 2013

Berlin Development Education Policy Programme – BENBI

In this comprehensive education concept, pupils are given the abilities to actively and self-responsibly help to create the future. In this respect, emotional and action-related components of the education play a decisive role. Global learning counteracts dominant thinking and questions stereotypes, alien- and self-images.

It should awaken pleasure and inquisitiveness to make people aware of the economic, social, cultural and political conditions of people in other parts of the world. Approaches to solutions for individual action are shown for achieving the aim of fairer world-economy relationships.

The Berlin Development-policy Education Programme for schools- and youth-recreation facilities has taken place since 2000 each year in the second week of November. I have supported the BENBI 2012 and 2013, guiding the participants through the week, animating and facilitating events. This was the feedback from KATE e.V. for my support of the BENBI 2012:

„Daniel Unsöld managed to facilitate a lively, intriguing discussion with and on the stage. He included the 16-18 year old audience actively and succesfully. We were amazed how relaxed and at the same time competent; with great knowledge and humour he supported our event. Next year, we would love to work with him again!“

Kerstin Wippel, Executive Director of Kontaktstelle für Umwelt und Entwicklung, KATE e.V.

It primarily addresses children and youths in the 3rd to 13th classes and comprises a comprehensive education offer: together with 60-minute workshops, a colourful culture programme, a cinema forum and exhibitions are offered. Upper-school pupils can additionally participate in a podium discussion with representatives from the spheres of politics, economy and science. Teachers and pedagogues can obtain information about the course content and methods and receive accompanying information material for the preparation and revision of their pupils.

The theme each year is taken according to the annual theme of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. (2009 Energy, 2010 Money, 2011 City, 2012 Nutrition, 2013 Mobility, 2014 Unification of all themes).

More Information on BENBI.

The German UNESCO Commission has distinguished the Development-policy Education Programme as an official Decade project.

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