About Me
Looking for?
– An experienced trainer and coach for body language, voice, and personal development?
– A creative and dynamic facilitator with a background in sustainable development and education?Daniel Unsoeld is a trained actor, registered theatre pedagogue and diplomated engineer in environmental sciences with several years of work experience in environment protection, education and international cooperation, living and working in Berlin Friedrichshain.
He works as a trainer for voice and body language, a coach for personal and career development and as a facilitator.
Daniel trains and coaches company employees and freelancers and facilitates workshops, discussions, and events with a focus on environmental policy, green economy, and education for sustainable development.
The aim of his work is to support individuals, organizations, and businesses who strive for socially and environmentally sustainable development. Integrity and respect are core values of his work.
Daniel’s training work follows these three steps:
- Raising awareness of body language
- Training skills for effective use of voice
- Reviewing work situations and developing experience-based solutions to conflicts or communication difficulties
Internationally, I offer the following voice and body language trainings — On demand and designed in accordance with your needs:
- LEAD! – Essential skills for group work, lecturing, and presenting.
- Understanding Germans – Serious AND fun incentive training for international teams on the specialities of German cultural paradigms, customs, and body language
- Sensitive, Playing, and Leading – Training for women being confronted with dominant or bullying colleagues with a special focus on differences in intrinsic male/female communication styles.
- Personal Leadership – Making inner values and visions visible, increasing your guidance, and proactive capacity to achieve positive results. Training for professionals heading teams/workgroups.
Individual counseling with the aim to improve integrity-based decision making, overcome personal struggles and conflicts, to develop and work on your vision on life and to develop effective communication skills.
Daniel Unsöld has more than 1000 hrs personal coaching experience, is a certified systemic coach (DGSF) and has participated in a two year training on systemic constellation work (UTA).
With a background in acting, and many years of work experience in the environmental field, I have been facilitating workshops, discussions, product presentations and various big events since 2005. My fields of knowledge are environmental policy, green business, education for sustainable development, and body language as well as personal development. I support you with creativity and experience in the actual facilitation as well as in the conceptional phase.